How time fly.... We now had stepped into year 2009.
Last night while having dinner with Eugene, the topic on how we got to know each others partner popped up. It is like already past 4 years since we know each other in SIM.

Removing our wedding rings and see out ROM dates back to 01/02/2007, just turn of the corner it will be a full 2 years.

When asked about new year resolution, i pondered for a long time before i can say what is it. I should say i am the happiest man alive. Wife such a understanding and lovely wife, what more can i ask for. Well, it could be like i want to be with Octavia till the end of time.
I do totally agree that i am not a very romantic sweet sensitive person. There is no fairy tale proposal in a romantic restaurant, no fairy tale wedding set, no prince charming on a white horse. Even asking you to be my girlfriend is like so unprepared. No birthday gifts, no anniversary presents and not a single bouquet of flowers. (I did buy flower for our ROM and Wedding.. din i ??????)
Okta, Thank you for being with me. I promise i will be better.. must give me time !!!
Right next on the list oh yes ... babies !!!!
Argh ... i dun deny the fact that i really have no good liking to little crawling humans. But my wife drools over them. Well, i am expected to produce healthy sperm for her to conceive. So gym on bed and healthy sperm producing food are on my daily calendar. geeez.........
Be a houseman! 
yeah ... since my wife spend her time and energy in the shop, i think i should do some house work for her. yup, i am going to be a good house man !!!! do the dishes, washes the cloth, cook bla bla bla and the list goes on. Well lucky i am staying with my mum... the maid could come in very handy.. wakakakaaa....
Take up photography classes so that i can be the official photographer for my kid in time to come. i am expected to turn out nice and memorable pictures on the stages of their growth. ZZZzzzzzzz...... whose taking picture for me then ?!?!?!!?
Guess that all i can think of for now i guess...
i am happy if i could fulfill just little bit of them.