You notice that the MRT entrance are clear. Thats because the officers from the station are stopping the people from crowding at the station entrance
So these are those people trying to get comfy and stuck in a long wait trying to get tthe ir precious vehicle into the car park which are already FULL. The parking spaces over at my area are Pathetically limited.....

So a piece of advice for those who are driving into Chinatown area, please, put your baby at home or a nearby carpark and take our Nation's MOST efficient transport system to shop here.
It wouldn't be very enjoying spending few hours just to get your car into a parking lot.
Oh ya, another word of caution, please try not to bring your new born baby here as well. My place here does not have centralize air con. So when it get crowded, it kind of stuffy and hot and humid. Not a good place for your cute babies. Of cause, your pram .... Blocking other's way ...
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